is money real?

what is money? That’s an awesome question that everyone should ask themselves.

is money real? what is money?

That’s an awesome question that everyone should ask themselves.

Since you are all on the constant daily chase of money, but you don’t have a clue of what money actually is hahahahah…

how do you plan to attract something that you don’t even know how it works or even is?! That’s completely bananas!

Firstly, money is a way of exchanging values. Insert that knowledge on your brain. So if you as a person are worthy & valuable (skills, wisdom,…) you will receive money eventually!

On the other hand, money as we know it today, dollars, euros or yens, is no other than debt. $$$ = Debt


Before 1933, for every dollar that was on circulation on the streets, there was a gold equal value on the federal reserve.

So if you had $1000, the federal reserve had $1000 worth of gold.

Your money was not fake then.

But after 1933, we moved to a Fractional reserve banking!

& what does it mean?

that we left the gold standard! So there is no need to have a gold equal value on the federal reserve.

So banks could print money from thin air!

In this system only a fraction of bank deposits are backed by actual cash on hand or available for withdrawal.

For example, if you go to your bank & deposit $100k, your bank will only keep 20k on cash and loan or invest the rest of your money!

Ofc, you will be able to withdraw you whole $100k nowadays since banks have millions of clients, but let’s imagine that all bank clients go to withdraw their money.

What will happen? you get the point now right?

What would happen if all the bank clients go to withdraw their money?! If we all get tired of dollars & we want to buy crypto?!

Do you get the point now?

Moreover, federal banks are able to print from thin air, & that generates inflation, meaning that you lose purchasing power.

Everything become more expensive! But you keep doing the same amount of money.

money nowadays is a complete scam! is not backed by anything & you don’t have control of how the central bank will do with it!

Please check what happened with Argentinian peso! That should give you a clue of what I’m talking about!

See you soon,

Nacho & Feli
