our first time…

I remember that moment vividly, It was a rush of emotions

endless research, shifting products & setting up online stores…

Silence was deafening.

Doubt started creeping in!

Was this the right path for us?…

Should we give up?…

But just when the doubt was starting to take hold, it happened.

I remember that moment vividly,

It was a rush of emotions - disbelief, joy, and an overwhelming sense of validation.


the notification pinged on our phones

“You have a new order for 1 item totaling $34.94 from Online Store.”

I have never been so fired up in my WHOLE life.

That sale was the catalyst that made us believe.

It wasn’t just about the sale itself, It was a proof that our hard work had paid off.

It was the spark that ignited our belief.

From that day everything changed.

BUT let me tell you a secret...that product was a resounding failure hahahah…

Wish you one day you can experience the same,
