$10K/ Day Product Research Strategy (revealed)

Tired of wasting hours on product research? and those products that you find do not work?

Tired of wasting hours on product research?

and those products that you find do not work?

We got the answer!

Our Product Research Strategy (revealed):

  1. Head to TikTok Creative Center Top Ads

  2. Filter To USA, Conversions, last 7 days & likes: Top 1~20% Top 21~40%

  3. & last but not least: click others & select 6s Views Rate

& done. thats it!

now you are seeing the best of the best.

now you are seeing the product that are making 100k+.




go ahead start scrolling,

& select that product that will make you so much money

that you can retire your whole family!

Are you ready to start working?

Nacho & Feli

aka dropshipboys.